Saturday, October 29, 2011

Monster house Halloween party

We had our monster house party today! It was so much fun! We bobbed for apples and played pin the nose on the pumpkin!!
There were lots of crafts for the kids. Owls, turkeys, and leaves to decorate. All the kids got goodie bags that were given to us from

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Sunday, April 24, 2011


Happy Easter everyone! We are eagerly waiting some guest to have an Easter egg hunt. We hope everyone is having a wonderful day!!

We made are own Easter baskets with paper mâché and balloons!

Dan has been away one month today. We are missing him so much! We love you babe.

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my iPhone

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Taco Tuesday

What a busy day! Today I got to spend a few hours at Conner's school. We layerd paper mache on balloons. Then they will paint them and turn them into Easter baskets. So much fun We are going to make our own Easter baskets this year doing the same thing. After that I had to get the last few things for Conner's birthday! He is so exited to turn 6! After school today we went on a two mile walk/bike ride. The dogs where pooped out! Then for dinner I made the kids vegan spaghetti tacos! They were very yummy. I have a lot to do tonight to get ready for Conner's big day. He wants to go for a walk by the river and have cheese pizza. He is going to have a starwars birthday! I will post pictures later this week.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

two weeks

It has been two weeks since the husband left for Afghanistan. Two long weeks. It feels like it has been months. I have not spoken to my husband on the phone yet. That will be nice when it happens. We did get to talk for a few moments on face time on our ipods. Other then that it has been just a few moments on Yahoo messenger and random post on face book. We miss him. We are looking forward to R and R already. So in the last two weeks a lot has happened. We cut Maria's hair! Its so short. shorter then I wanted. Conner was misbehaving so I had to step out of the way and before I knew it Maria's hair was done. She loves it and hair grows back! Then Conner lost his tooth. On April 5Th 2011! IT was his first tooth and he didn't want it to come out. It hanged in there as long as it good. He was happy to get a visit from the tooth fairy. He got three dollars. He gave a dollar to his sister and 50 cents to me. Very nice of him.
Today I went into Conner's class to do centers with them. It was fun. I get to go back every Thursday. I'm excited. Monday I am going in to help make paper mache egg baskets. I did this last year with Maria's class. Messy!! The kids are adorable though. As soon as I got home from the kids school. The school nurse called me. Maria's ear hurts. I make her an apt and she has another double ear infection! Third time this year. So hopefully this is the last time for awhile. She is not feeling well. I doubt we will get much sleep tonight. I hope she feels better soon!
There is alot of talk about the government shutdown. I hope things work out. I know I live pay check to paycheck. Kind of insane to think. The husbands in Afghanistan and they don't pay them when and what they should. We shall see though. That is our two week cap. Conner's birthdays next week! We are gearing up for that! Take care!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Weekend blues

Saturday. Day two. The kids had basketball this morning. They played well and had fun. That was great. I played outside with Conner for awhile and tried to crochet with Maria. Good to do solo things with each kid I think. Other then that it was a cold lonely day. Weekends are like that.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Day one

It has been almost 24 hours since my husband left for Afghanistan. This is our third deployment. I thought I would be better at this, but I'm not. I am a mess. I do know that it will be pass and I will feel more confident. Not right now though. Right now it's moment by moment. The kids are doing well. They do not grasp fully what is going on. They are amazing kids. I'm looking forward to the summer. Warmth and sunshine and my kids all to myself. Here ate a few pictures I have. My living room the night before the hubs left. Him packing and the kids this morning. I am going to try and take a picture of them everyday we shall see. Well I'll add the pictures later, can't do it on my iPod. The last picture My hubby sent me when I was talking ot him on the computer today. I miss him so much already.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Spring time

Trees should be pink all the time!